Comfort Control Clock™
“Parents are often drained after a child’s surgery. When explaining medications, we are often faced with blank stares or requests to repeat the information. In our surgery center, the Comfort Control Clock™ has reduced the need for multiple explanations and we feel more confident our instructions will be followed.”
Pediatric PACU nurse
“I used to have to write down when I took each medication but this was much easier”
Patient with chronic recurring pain
“Do you know how much time I’ve spent explaining this? And still felt like patients were confused? This is awesome and a game changer!”
Medical Resident
Clock hands rotate as a unit & can simply be adjusted if doses are taken late or missed
Great promotional product that will generate word of mouth referrals
Greatly decreases post-op and after hours calls
If you’re a clinician, productivity matters. It takes valuable time to explain complicated written logs or set up mobile apps on patient devices. The Comfort Control Clock™ shortens the time required to teach patients how to alternate medications and makes it simpler for them to follow your instructions.
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